Project Chronicles: Innovating E-Commerce & Gaming Tech

I've been diving deep into two fascinating projects lately, each one showcasing my  interests and enthusiasm for technology and innovation.

Project WebRevive

For the first project I am partnering with a client to improve their website. My client wants to shift their website from an information website to an eccomerce website. This makeover isn't just about selling products; it's about improving the shopping experience, making it smarter, more intuitive, and a whole lot more engaging for users.

Project PowerPlay

My second project is more of a personal project -- I am building a gaming desktop designed specifically for my Sims gaming experience. This journey was inspired by my CompTIA A+ studies, where I learned about the computer component trade-offs involved in designing a high-performance PC. This project is avenue for me too apply and deepen my understanding of these technical intricacies.

Through a series of blog posts, I'm excited to peel back the layers on both projects. I'll be sharing insights into the decisions, ideas, components, and resources that are guiding these ventures from concept to reality. Both projects are live, evolving with each day, and I'm thrilled to bring you along on this journey. Join me as we navigate this exciting territory together!